In this article Daily Human Care is going to discuss the 4 Signs to Indicate It’s Time to Visit an Orthodontist.
Dental experts mention you should visit a dentist at least twice a year for long-term dental health. However, various dental issues need dental specialists, like an orthodontist. In this article, you will learn more about orthodontists and the four signs to indicate it’s time to visit an orthodontist.
The thing that you should note is that crooked teeth are not a major problem. There are so many brilliant options out there including invisible braces that can help you with a definite answer for your crooked teeth. Invisalign is a great option that will help you take care of your crooked teeth, and at the same time ensure that you do not compromise on your personal appearance or aesthetics.
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Who are Orthodontists?
An orthodontist is a licensed medical practitioner specializing in teeth and jaw alignment. The teeth alignment is done by fixed and removable devices like bands, retainers, and braces. Now that you know what an orthodontist is, it is time to understand when you must visit one.
Signs to Indicate It’s Time to Visit an Orthodontist

1. Crooked Teeth
Crooked teeth are a common problem in children, and approximately three out of four children develop twisted, overlapping, or crooked teeth. Dental experts mention that you should not ignore crooked teeth as they increase the risk of wear and tear, and the extra stress can cause your tooth to break. Even if the tooth does not break, the constant rubbing of the tooth against the tooth causes enamel to wear down.
As per recent census data, the estimated population of Las Vegas is 641,903, and 23.7% of the population is less than 18 years. Orthodontists mention the best age to straighten teeth with braces is between 10 and 14. Therefore, if your child has crooked teeth, you should visit an orthodontist to discuss the timeline and various treatment options.
2. Crowded Teeth
Crowded teeth refer to dental malposition. The lack of space causes teeth to shift and not align properly. The crowding of teeth is common at the age of six when baby teeth start falling, making way for permanent teeth.
Recent census data indicates that 6.3% of the population of Las Vegas is under five. If you have a toddler in your family, you should keep a close watch on the falling of baby teeth and the growth of permanent teeth.
The American Association of Orthodontists mentions you should take your child to an orthodontist by seven. Though he may not begin the treatment immediately, he can monitor and predict teeth growth patterns and take early measures to prevent the crowding of teeth.
3. Misaligned Bite
If your teeth are misaligned, you can have difficulties chewing, speaking, and brushing. Orthodontists mention children or adults with misaligned teeth may experience jaw pain. Misaligned teeth also cause grinding or clenching. Treatment options for misalignment bites are braces to straighten the teeth. In addition, childhood habits like thumb sucking can cause misaligned teeth.
Orthodontists mention that misaligned bite treatment is generally done between ages 12 and 16 when permanent teeth completely replace your baby teeth, but your jaws are growing.
4. Space Between Teeth
Space between front teeth is known as a diastema. It is common for people to have space between teeth, and many are okay with it. However, orthodontists mention it is not a big dental issue like crowded teeth or a misaligned bite; this should not be ignored.
They mention space between teeth leads to the trapping of food particles between gaps that causes bacteria growth resulting in tooth decay. Hence, you should visit an orthodontist to fix the space between teeth.
These were the few dental problems that need you to visit an orthodontist in your city.
Hope you enjoyed this article. Here are a few tips to get maximum teeth whitening.
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